Business Scorecard

This is the Holy Grail of the Business Excellence Project.  It is a must have.  A good parable would be this : you would expect to have a ring for the bride for the wedding ceremony.  No ring = totally not acceptable !  This is the same concept for the Business Scorecard.

If you have existing scorecard within your company, that is fine.  However, you may still wish to use our score card to input in some key numbers to generate the chart as most Business Excellence Assessor will be looking out for certain numbers and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). 

And because they review hundreds of companies, to make their life easy means we present the data in the way and format that they are most familiar with.  This way, it allows them to pick up the info they want easily. 

If you give them your own scorecard format, that is fine but they may take longer time to go through them.  And making their life easier will also mean scoring better brownie points.  So one advice is to use the scorecard as a summary with whatever scorecard you are using as the “detailed” addendum.  This way, you make everything smooth and easy.