The Sorrento Condominium

The Sorrento Condominium

Residential Banner

Diverse and talented workforce has helped to grow our capabilities and uphold our brand values. They solve the most complex problems with a forward-thinking power.

The Sorrento Condominium
Aluminium  Vertical Trellis at Air-Con Ledge
Aluminium Vertical
Trellis at Air-Con Ledge

The Sorrento Condominium
Aluminium  Vertical Trellis at Electrical Sub-Station
Aluminium Vertical Trellis
at Electrical Sub-Station

The Sorrento Condominium
Stainless Steel Handrail to Ramp
Stainless Steel Handrail
to Ramp

Glass Balustrade to Ramp
Glass Balustrade to Ramp

The Sorrento Condominium
Galvanized Mild Steel Handrail to Staircase
Galvanized Mild Steel
Handrail to Staircase

The Sorrento Condominium
Glass Railing to Staircase
Glass Railing to Staircase

The Sorrento Condominium
Stainless Steel Grille at the BBQ Pit
Stainless Steel Grille
at the BBQ Pit

The Sorrento Condominium
Skylight at the BBQ Pit
Skylight at the BBQ Pit

Aluminium Trellis at the BBQ Pit
Aluminium Trellis
at the BBQ Pit

The Sorrento Condominium
Galvanized Mild Steel Railing at the Hammock Area
Galvanized Mild Steel
Railing at the
Hammock Area

The Sorrento Condominium
Glass Railing at Pool Area
Glass Railing  at Pool Area
Aluminium Composite Panel at Pool Area
Aluminium Composite 
Panel at Pool Area
Stainless Steel Grab Rail At Pool Area
Stainless Steel Grab
Rail At Pool Area
The Sorrento Condominium
Aluminium Composite Panel at The Gym Area
Aluminium Composite Panel
at The Gym Area


Residential Banner 02

Diverse and talented workforce has helped to grow our capabilities and uphold our brand values. They solve the most complex problems with a forward-thinking power.

Images from The Sorrento Condominium