





Engaging your People Talent with the right strategies and tactics will be the next most important thing in the business excellence journey.  Simply put, people are the resources or assets that make any business run.  No matter how you automate your business, somebody still needs to do something to get the entire business machine going – even if it means a real person pressing the “turn on” switch !


I like what Donald Trump has to say about people. He made this remark in his book “People like me are rich and don’t have enough time, what we need is to find the right people to run our business.”


Engaging Staff today is totally different from 10 years ago.  Today, with the rise of the Internet, it has really changed how companies interact with their employees. 







For this section, you will realize we are using “RED” for the Tables.  This is deliberate and a link to the concept of “Passion”.


Using FIRE as an example, it is something that can cut both ways.  The positive side of Fire is that it is warm and passionate.  Fire keeps us warm in the cold night.  We use it to cook food and make tools with it.


Fire can also be dangerous when you don’t handle it well. It can become an inferno, burning everything in its path.  People when hurt or offended can turn super spiteful and cause great damage in its path.


A wise saying likens our Tongue to a “Spark” that can set an entire forest on fire.  So basically, treat Fire respectfully and use it well, and it will be your greatest ally.




Staff Past

Staff Today

Staff Future


The economy grew from an Agriculture to an Industrial driven one.


The economy evolve to one of Information and Knowledge.

The economy will evolve to the AI level (Artificial intelligence) with lots of robotics and IOTs (Internet of Things) governing how things work.


Working Behavior

To achieve economies of scale, workers are organized into “production lines” where everyone specialize in doing something well so that their speed of doing things can be fast.


The internet opens up a world of knowledge.  Everyone now has assess to this wealth of info.


Workers are also more discerning on their choices and also know their rights and options.


Hard labor may well be a thing of the past.  Robots will replace human in most areas.  Humans will control the robots doing the hard work.  Imagine a restaurant fully operated by robots with 1 human doing the programming and operations management remotely.



No real need to motivate the worker as the economy is growing and there is massive change and poverty from the 2 world wars.  People are generally thankful to have a job.


How to achieve seamless synergies between the Baby Boomers and the Millennials.  There is a wide culture divide and different work ethos and value. 


With rising affluence and pampering by parents who does not wish their children to go through the hard times they had, the younger generation are generally extremely well cared for, does not have to worry about basic survival needs, and as such, approach life with a certain view and attitude that is greatly different from their parents.


Workers will be super sophisticated.  Well educated and strongly opinionated, they will do things that meet their needs first.


When challenged they will let their feet do the talking.  You will also see a large group of “Freelancers” or “Contract Workers” who will choose to work 50% of the time and use the other 50% to pursue their interests and passions.


The entire nature of work will totally evolved and bosses must learn new people management skills that are not needed now in today’s context.




Benefits of doing this Phase




Engaging an increasingly diverse workforce across countries and cultures will be key to success.


This will sum up what we are trying to do over here. 


One of the main best practice of all successful and fast growing companies is this : they all have a customized strategy to reach out to and engage with their staff, to build loyalty and to get them to function at their level best.  They learn how to truly care for their staff.



People Hacks

Customers Relationship Building is Not Simple

Basically humans being human, engaging with them is never the same day in and day out.  Even couples who are married or dating will go through ups and downs in their life journey, what more a customer who does not view you in the same light as their life partner.  They will be more quick to judge, less forgiving and more demanding. 


Hack # 1 : Use the Resources in this portal (video trainings, templates, training materials and notes, PDF and ebooks etc)

We have trainings on how to engage with your customers by understanding their personas and buying behaviors. 


Hack # 2 : Keep listening and act on the feedback given

The internet and technology allows companies to use analytics to study the customers they serve, how they respond to various marketing campaigns and promotions as well as feedback for the products and services they purchased.  Many of these data crunching tools are free or come at a fairly affordable price point.  So it is no more an excuse not to use them now.


Hack # 3 : Do a Win Win Strategy


Do not just have a conversation with the customers.  Use the opportunity to create more sales opportunities. In our online training, we will share with you some strategies we have used to engage with our customers, get their feedback, build goodwill and boost sales at the same time.